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Fundamental Jiu Jitsu

Ever wonder what would happen if you were attacked and were thrown to the ground? Well we don't want to think about that, so we teach Jiu Jitsu. Not only does this art have an awesome name, it also helps you understand how your body works and how to make another persons body not work. 

Fundamental Muay Thai

This class focuses on the basics of Muay Thai. Muay Thai started in Thailand and utilizes fist, knee, elbow, and foot striking from a standing position. Muay Thai has been called "the art of eight limbs" due to its unique striking style. Don't worry we're not going to ask you to kick down any banana trees, unless you know where we can find some. 


If you think boxing is as easy as punch, block, punch, block. Then you really need to come to this class. Our trainers have experience teaching people who think punch is just a delicious drink flavor to people who have been in the ring more than a time or two. Street fighters beware... actual technique used here. 

Cardio Kick Boxing

Our unique training has lead to this fast-paced, high-energy, challenging workout. Utilizing martial arts techniques to challenge everyone from your first day on the mats to long time trainees. If you're looking to increase you coordination, flexibility, stamina, and get a great workout all while having fun learning martial arts techniques...then this class is perfect for you. 


MMA Wresteling

You know how in Jiu Jitsu you usually start from the ground, well that's not always an option. This class will show you how to wrestle MMA style by starting from a standing position. 

Open Mat

Open mat time is where you have a chance to work on something specific on your own or with a friend. This is a great time to focus in on those skills, and lock your technique down. We usually suggest working on the thing you are either the worst at or dislike the most, as that's usually what needs the most work. 

Live Rolling

You know all of that stuff we've been teaching you in the Jiu Jitsu classes, well this is your moment to shine. Test our your skills during this time to see how your skills are coming along. If you don't come out the successor of your rolls, you only lose if you fail to learn from your mistakes. 

Advanced Jiu Jitsu

This class isn't meant for beginners, building off of what you'll learn in the Fundamentals classes. This class is where true mastery of the art begins. Jiu Jitsu is famous for being one of the longest waiting periods for a black belt. Why? Jiu Jitsu is such a comprehensive art, focusing on truly being a well versed fighter on the ground. 

Advanced Muay Thai

No surprise here...We build from what you learn in the Fundamental Muay Thai classes, and help you become well versed in the technical and mental aspects of Thailand combat style Muay Thai.

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